Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Babies at work

I start to hear "awwwwwwwww" and "aaaaaaah" at near distance in my cube. Then.... "UUUUGGGGAAAAAAAHHHH".

OK. Baby. Bringing their baby and single digit age creatures who are unable to take responsibility of their action at work should be banned. Why would people bring kids at work? I think this company pays enough to afford child day care... The place is totally child unfriendly too. Work cafeteria isn't that great tasting you can't help sharing with your family neither. I've only been to where my father work once in my life when I was about 12 years old and it was on weekends when no one was there. He was yet greatly concerned if I don't mess up anything.

What do they contribute at office anyway?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It goes on the ground and goes on the table.

Another thing I don't understand. Stuff which placed on the ground outside comes onto the dinner table once it enters the door.

You put it on the ground, outside many things such as shoes (of course), your laptop bag, a bucket, grocery bags but when you open the door... what else? Then once you come home and where you put them? Yeah.... it's on the table where you eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.

It does not occur that maybe it is DIRTY? Or some little distinction where things go would be nice? I'm not saying that the table you eat food is so sacred you can't put stuff on it unless it's blessed.

Same thing with putting the foot on coffee table while the shoes are still on it...


Americans, why you don't return my pen?

I had this pen which I bought at Ginza, Tokyo. My favorite pen and it'd been very good to me for several years. I decided to go school in Miami and in a class, a guy front of my seat, asked me if he can borrow a pen. I felt sorry for him not having a pen so I handed him my good pen, the best pen from Japan. But it turned out that it was the big mistake of all. As soon as the class ends the guy disappeared with my pen!

Dude, can you return my pen?

So I learned lesson not to hand in my best thing being nice and started to carry cheap Bic pens. I've handed pens to numerous people but I don't recall anyone returned my pen. It is almost like they don't need to return it... Is this why, in this country, they sell 30 pens in a bag? Why they don't return stuff they borrow... and when I ask to do so, "hey can I get my pen back?", what's up with that strange face?

It is a pen. I know. But that is not my point. The point is, you borrowed it so you return it with gratitude. Not stealing. Not giving dirty face.

And it would be nice to say 'Thank you' too, when you return it.